Importance of Purple Cauliflower

Date & Time: 2019-07-23 11:09:16

    Green Cauliflower is known as Broccoflower, which is Broccoli. The purple and orange varieties are also available in the market.?Although it may look different than the popular white cauliflower, the taste is just the same: mild, sweet and nutty. The orange and purple cauliflowers are higher in antioxidants than regular white cauliflower The nutrients found in purple cauliflower are similar to those found in common white cauliflower. However, purple cauliflower will provide you with a couple of other nutritional benefits. The purple color is due to the presence of a subtype of flavonoid compounds called anthocyanins, which may help to regulate your blood lipid and sugar levels and body weight, as well as help to lower your cancer risk. Additionally, purple cauliflower contains a compound called glucoraphanin, which is also found in common green broccoli. In your body, glucoraphanin can be converted to compounds with anticancer properties.